Sundt Projects

183 North Mobility Project

183 North Mobility Project

  • Location:

    Austin, Texas

  • Client:

    Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (Mobility Authority)

  • Construction Value:


  • Delivery Method:


  • Year Completed:

    In Progress

  • Specialties:

    Bridges, Roadways

Features & Highlights

  • 9-mile addition of two express lanes in each direction on US 183 in northwest Austin, Texas
  • Addition of general-purpose (GP) lanes on US 183 to provide four continuous GP lanes in each direction
  • Flyover direct-connector bridges, 21 bridge widenings, retaining wall construction, new shared-use paths
  • Temporary median access ramps to improve safety for construction vehicles and traveling public
Project Overview

Gridlock in Austin, Texas not only causes commuters to nearly double their trip times, but it creates larger economic, environmental and social problems. The 183 North Mobility Project aims to alleviate traffic congestion for a narrow, heavily-traveled corridor. By widening and upgrading US 183 from State Loop 1 (MoPac) to State Highway (SH) 45 North, Sundt and JV partner Archer Western will bring greater mobility to a crucial connection between the Liberty Hill area and downtown Austin.

While large in scope, the jobsite has very tight boundaries, with about 85% of the project’s right-of-way undergoing some form of asphalt or concrete coverage upon completion. However, the project is allowed minimal impact to traffic. With these constraints, the project team is taking a unique approach to keeping jobsite areas safe and adjacent lanes operational.

Whereas typical widening projects involve lane closures, night work, and getting heavy construction vehicles sped up to (or slowed down from) highway speeds, the 183 North Mobility Project is opting to do things differently. Significant resources have gone toward the creation of temporary median access ramps, making the jobsite much safer and more efficient for the workforce, as well as the traveling public.

“Sundt and Archer Western have demonstrated how great partnerships can truly add value to a project. Their collaboration, not just with each other but also with our team at the Mobility Authority and other stakeholders, has helped the 183 North Mobility Project, a project of significant regional importance, get started smoothly and continue in a positive direction.â€

– Oscar Solis, P.E. – Senior Engineer, Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (Mobility Authority)


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